Monday, August 29, 2011

Nelson...Therapy Dog...Healing My Heart.

I KNEW Nelson was going to be a therapy dog when I first met him.  He has such a sweet spirit...such a sweet dog.  Since Mother passed away last Thursday I've not been able to spend a lot of time with him.  He's been given just the basic care, and I feel bad for that.  How has he responded?  By stepping up his sweet attitude and love.  I think he senses the emotional pain that is there even if well hidden.  He has this "thing" that he does...he pokes with his nose when trying to get your attention.  Not a rude poke...just a "hey...I'm here" type of poke.  Tonight, as I was looking through some things I brought from Mother's house he walked up behind me and poked me repeatedly.  "Hey, I know you are hurting...but I'm here and Iove you."  I'm so happy to have him as my therapy for a hurting heart.


  1. God sends comfort in many special ways, but Nelson is the MOST special.

  2. Wow, what a great dog. And he came to you at the perfect time. God loves you very much.
